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"Being type-rated and instructor feature."

Rules and Regulations

(Last update: 17 December 2023, 14:10:21)

Arrow Cargo Virtual (ACV) - Rules and Regulations

1. Minimum criterias for acceptance as ACV candidate
- Minimum age of 18;
- Being able to fly one of the candidate-aircraft from A to B (flight-route);
- The will to appear from time to time on our forum and on Discord;
- Being able to communicate in English;
- Free ACV-pilot slot available;
- Respecting ACV-rules.

2. Minimum software needed (installed and running)
- One of these flight-sims: P3Dv4/v5, XP11/12 or FS2020/MSFS
- One of the candidate-aircraft;
- ACVacars (you are able to download this software from our download-section after acceptance as candidate);
- Discord Client, but optional is micro/headset, Get Discord here.

3. Flight-sim pilot for Arrow Cargo Virtual
- The "career" at ACV as a virtual airline pilot is only just for fun for hobby-flight-sim-pilots.
- NO real money gets payed and NO employment contract will be closed thereby.
- The use of real currency symbols is just for fun, does not mean anything and is only for increasing the gaming atmosphere within ACV.
- The ACV-membership is free. No payment of contribution has to be payed.
- Every member of ACV is free to terminate his ACV-membership whenever he/she wants.
- Arrow Cargo Virtual (ACV) or PeteFly82 canNOT be held responsible/liable for acts of ACV-members.

4. ACV flight rules

5. Legal/Disclaimer and FAQ
- By accepting the rules and regulations you confirm to have read and you fully accept the content of the Legal/Data Protection Disclaimer section of the ACV-Website.
- By accepting the rules and regulations you confirm to have read the content of the FAQ section of the ACV-Website.

If you agree with our Rules and Regulations and if you fulfil them, you may continue to fill-out the application by clicking the button below.